
About the current situation with flights from Europe to Peru

About the current situation with flights from Europe to Peru


Dear guests and visitors of the site! Due to the complicated situation in Europe, many airlines announced the temporary suspension of flights from Europe to South America until March 8. At the moment, flights from Istanbul, Armenia, Azeybarjan and Serbia continue to fly….

Anaconda on «Chakruna»

Anaconda on «Chakruna»


On January 7, 2022, on the territory of the nature and recreation park «Chakruna», which is part of the territory of the Ecolodge «Cordillera Escalera», a gigantic creature shrouded in many legends and beliefs settled — Anaconda. The four-meter sculpture is located on a huge stone separating the…

Amazonian Dinner

Amazonian Dinner


Throughout November the collective of Ecolodge «Cordillera Escalera» worked on the new terrace in traditional style: there are now elements of Amazonian kitchen, clay furnace and ceramic utensils. Now we are planning to celebrate the…

The Amazonian Kingfish now lives in our Ecolodge

The Amazonian Kingfish now lives in our Ecolodge


Earlier we talked about the fact that we released 250 Tilapia fish fry into our pond for rearing, and that we were going to practice keeping small fish and start breeding larger ones. So, last week, we purchased and released…

And they came to the jungle… transformers )))

And they came to the jungle… transformers )))


Dear friends, we continue to keep you up to date with the most interesting events in the valley of the Shilkayo river, where our Ecolodge «Cordillera Escalera» is located. This time, world-class news)))! From September 14, shooting of a new part of the world blockbuster from…

¡Viva la Patria! ¡Viva la Libertad! ¡Viva la Independencia!

¡Viva la Patria! ¡Viva la Libertad! ¡Viva la Independencia!


Long live Motherland! Long live Freedom! Long live Independence! On July 28, the Republic of Peru celebrated the 200th anniversary of its independence. This significant day for all Peruvians coincided with the official inauguration of…

Mysterious stone from Peru can now be seen in the Crimea!

Mysterious stone from Peru can now be seen in the Crimea!


We recently donated one unique thing to the collection of our friends from the Museum of Fish and Fisheries in the city of Feodosia (Republic of Crimea). The history of a simple-looking stone with an…

«The Golden Cockerel» of the Amazonian Jungle

«The Golden Cockerel» of the Amazonian Jungle


We have already wrote about the reptiles and fish of the Amazon. This time it was the turn of the feathered inhabitants of the selva. Recently, our guests said that at dawn they went out…

Welcome to the Amazon! International flights to Peru are resumed

Welcome to the Amazon! International flights to Peru are resumed


Dear guests! Finally, with great joy and an open heart, we announce: Peruvian selva is opened after lockdown and is waiting for you!!! COVID-19 infection rates in the Amazon and in general in Peru have…

Taste Peru!

Taste Peru!


In previous news, we have already mentioned that we planned to open a bar on the terrace at the Museum of Ayahuasca, which is being created on the territory of our Ecolodge. Despite the difficulties…
