
Cordillera Escalera / News / Viewing deck: look from the Cordillera to the whole world

Viewing deck: look from the Cordillera to the whole world


The Cordillera Escalera ecolodge always provides its visitors with new and interesting ideas. Recently, our team has completed the construction of a new path and arrangement of the viewing deck (mirador in Spanish) on the upper slope, which offers a fabulous view of the nearby valley!

Viewing deck: look from the Cordillera to the whole world

This is nearly the highest point of the site where our ecohotel is located. Previously, it was impossible to get to it because of the very steep slope and almost impassable thickets of the Amazonian jungle. We had to do the difficult work of cleaning the slope from bushes, vines and wild grass in order to build a concrete staircase with railings. But now it provides a comfortable climb to a small deck resting on the back of a huge boulder.

Viewing deck: look from the Cordillera to the whole world

Climbing the path between the trees, you can find several typical species of the Amazonian flora. Among them are huge Ayahuasca vines, and trees with the funny name “Monkey’s Comb”, and Shica shica thorny palms, which we wrote about in one of the previous news. But the most amazing thing awaits at the top!

Viewing deck: look from the Cordillera to the whole world

These are views of the ridge, resembling a staircase leading to the sky. Hence the name of this part of the mountain system – Cordillera Escalera, which is translated from Spanish as the Ladder Ridge. In the distance you can see the city of Tarapoto, hidden among the green slopes, to which the Shilcayo River valley descends from the slopes of the protected area.

Viewing deck: look from the Cordillera to the whole world

Do you know what the attractiveness and amazing energy of viewing desks consists of? In such places, you can “level with the clouds” and fully understand the meaning of the expression “lies at someone`s feet.” Huge spaces allow you to feel the difference between your own size and the scale of something incomparably larger (a valley, a city, a waterfall), which is impossible to grasp with a glance without going upstairs. It was from viewing platforms in the mountains that huge drawings in the Peruvian Nazca desert were discovered. That is, such sites have an amazing quality: they help you to look at the world on a different scale and see something that cannot be seen from below.

Viewing deck: look from the Cordillera to the whole world

Having risen to a height, you begin to feel on a planetary scale: there is a feeling that the world is not so huge as it seems from below. For example, here are some interesting figures showing how far from our viewing deck are some of the world’s capitals. The closest, of course, is Lima – 629 km, further New York – 5 253 km, Madrid – 9 039 km, Paris – 9 728 km, Kyiv – 11 757 km, Moscow – 12 088 km. And if you look to the west, then there: Vladivostok – 15 089 km, Tokyo – 15 107 km, Sydney – 12 287 km.

Viewing deck: look from the Cordillera to the whole world

The guests of the ecohotel Cordillera Escalera have already visited our viewing deck. None of them remained indifferent to the natural splendor of the views of the Amazonian landscapes that open from this point. Many people gladly climbed the mirador several times to meet the sunrise or see the sunset. This is the time of day when the sky gives us its most picturesque and fantastic sketches. And what bright and unforgettable photos are obtained from this place!

Visit us at the Cordillera Escalera ecolodge and discover the world from a different point of view!