
Cordillera Escalera / News / HAVE YOU TASTED SURI?



There are many rumors and legends about the countries of the Amazon, their customs and rituals. For example, there is an idea that the locals eat everything that moves. Imagination draws how aborigines catch scary insects and reptiles and immediately eat them alive or roast them at the stake, and then eat anyway. Is it really like that? We know that the Amazon is a vast territory of the basin of the homonymous river and its tributaries, with a great variety of animal and plant life. There is a rich selection of animals, birds, fruits and vegetables, but despite this abundance, almost the entire local population has been consuming insects since time immemorial. One of the most popular and common insects in the Amazon food markets is the Suri palm larva.

А вы пробовали Сури?

Suri – is a larva of the palm weevil beetle – gorgoho (Rhynchophorus palmarum) that lives in Aguaje palms (lat.Mauritia flexuosa), Seje (lat. Oenocarpus bataua), Cucurito (lat.Maximiliana maripa). The life cycle of the beetle is approximately 120 days, of which 3 days as an egg, 60 days as a larva, 15 days lasts the nymph stage and 40 days the insect lives as a beetle. Palm gorgoho have a fairly extensive areola habitat, they can be found in almost the entire biogeographic region of the Neotropics from South Florida to Argentina. It is worth noting their high ability to adapt to climatic conditions, they are found at altitudes of up to 1200 meters above sea level.

А вы пробовали Сури?

The local population breeds Suri larvae specifically for sale. They cut palm trees, make several holes in the trunks 10 by 10 cm so that weevil beetles lay eggs there, in the rotten core. The incubation period lasts about a week, after which it can be harvested.

А вы пробовали Сури?

Larvae suitable for consumption should be as thick as the male thumb, weighing at least 10 grams; their color can vary from cream to light brown. It is these larvae that are sold in the markets of almost all Amazonian cities on Sundays.

А вы пробовали Сури?

Suri larvae are considered a delicious delicacy. They are eaten in all kinds: alive, raw, fried and grilled, like anticucho, they are dried for the future and, of course, they are made macerated which is called “Surichado”. In their raw form, the larvae are buttery, tender and creamy in taste, while the fried ones are similar to bacon.

There is a beautiful legend associated with the Suri larvae. A long time ago, a young man named Bajwak, an apprentice shaman, was looking for medicinal plants in the Amazon forest. On his way he came across a chonta palm tree that would not let him pass. The young man decided to cut the palm tree, but she spoke to him in a human voice. Bajwak fell asleep with amazement, and the palm turned into a beautiful young Lady, who turned out to be the goddess and patroness of this forest. The young man wanted to show it to his tribe and offered the goddess a visit to the village. The girl accepted, but on the condition that no one knew who she was. In the village, everyone admired the beauty of the Lady, but Bajwak could not resist and boasted that his guest was a forest goddess. The girl disappeared and no one else saw her. Many years passed, Bajwak became an experienced shaman and healer, more than once he saved the tribe from dangerous epidemics. One day, he went to the forest and decided to cut some chontas for his lunch. Here an enraged goddess appeared. She did not recognize Bajwak and began to knock down large trees on the old shaman as punishment for felling young palm trees. Bajwak invoked the goddess and told her his name, which he remembered from their first meeting and which only he knew. The goddess remembered, but it was too late. Seeing an old shaman who had saved many lives die, the Goddess transferred his soul to the larvae of Suri so that the shaman could devote.

А вы пробовали Сури?

The useful properties of the palm weevil larvae have been appreciated by indigenous populations since ancient times. In traditional medicine, they are used to relieve cough, asthma, and rheumatism.

Scientific studies have shown that Suri larvae are an excellent source of proteins, vitamins A, C, E and minerals.

А вы пробовали Сури?

In the Amazon, many insects are eaten, but Suri holds a special place in the hearts and on the tables of the local population. The larvae of the weevil palm beetle have become an integral part of traditional jungle cooking and medicine. Larval Anticuchos – is a visiting card of the Amazonian countries, part of the local culture, an exotic note. By the way, Suri larvae are included in our gastronomic program «Amazonian Dinner», where participants, if they wish, can try this Amazonian delicacy.