The annual carnival is taking place in the town of Rioja in a short time. It never fails to impress guests with its scale, kaleidoscope of colors and an overall atmosphere of fun. The preparations for this grand event are already under way, so that the town has transformed and become the embodiment of the festival by mid-February.
The tradition of local carnival parades dates back to 1782, when Rioja was founded. Catholic customs were taken into account when compiling the holiday calendar. Great Lent begins in February or March, so folk festivals were held in January and February to prepare for it and educate people religiously. In particular, short plays that told stories from the Bible were staged.
Over the past centuries, this holiday has changed while absorbing numerous local rituals and pagan superstitions. Thus, it has become a cultural event rather than a religious celebration. That is why you can find Amazonian animals and mythical creatures such as the sacha infiel, the beautiful coquette, the chuyachaqui and the chacarero among the characters of the carnival. In 2009, a Board of the Rioja Carnival was established. It is responsible for organizing all the festive events.
Today, the carnival in Rioja is not only a costume parade, but also a festival that includes beauty and culinary contests, folk art fairs, musical concerts, rituals and much more.
Five districts of the town compete in creativity and ingenuity by organizing their own parades and other events. Each district has a special committee responsible for the celebration, and these committees have already compiled contest and concert programmes for this year.
The ritual trees called umshas and yunsas are decorated with gifts and installed in the town squares for the carnival. People dance around them, while those wishing to may try the local alcoholic drinks masato and uvachado, which perfectly elevate the mood!
A constant element of the celebration is the Dance of Devils, which is a parade of up to 80 “evil spirits”. As a rule, a group of 12 demons entertains the audience with dances, jokes and acrobatic tricks. This dance has come down to us since the days when carnival was due to Catholic traditions, and it embodies the eternal struggle between good and evil.
One of the main characters of the festival is Ño Carnavalon. It is the personification of joy and fun, and you can even call him the spirit of the carnival! His role is performed by a man dressed up in a distinctive grotesque costume with a big head and a huge smile. According to the legend, he is responsible for a good mood and ensures that local widows are never bored. Widows are usually performed by men in costumes. On the last day, the figure of Ño Carnavalon is burned, buried and a mock funeral is held. This ritual marks the end of the celebration.
The spectacular, large-scale and distinctive carnival in Rioja is truly unique. Its fame has already spread far beyond the borders of the San Martin region, and the festival attracts steadily more tourists every year.
We invite you to the Cordillera Escalera Ecolodge in February. It will be the perfect opportunity to attend this outstanding event and become a part of the famous Amazonian carnival!